Império do Espírito Santo da Terra Chã

The Império do Espírito Santo da Terra Chã, is located in the parish of Terra – Chã, municipality of Angra do Heroísmo, located in Terreiro, next to the parish church.

The date of its construction dates back to the third quarter of the 19th century, to the year 1861. This brotherhood celebrates its feast in honor of the Divine Holy Spirit on Pentecost Sundays – first bodo, and Trinity Sunday, second bodo.

As in the other empires, the festival program of this brotherhood depends, in terms of the richness and diversity of cultural activities, on the financial resources acquired by the organizing committee for this purpose.

On the Saturday before the first bodo, the insignia go to the empire and the meat, bread and wine are blessed, which are distributed throughout the parish on that day. On Pentecost Sunday, the procession of the Holy Spirit, accompanied by a philharmonic, goes to the parish church, where a festive mass is celebrated, followed by a coronation.

After this liturgical act, the procession returns to the empire, where the insignia are deposited. At the end of this day, there is lighting and an initiative of a cultural nature, which can be a philharmonic concert, the presentation of a popular music group or an artist invited for this purpose by the party committee.

At the end of the night, the draw for the portfolios for the following year is carried out. On Monday in Espírito Santo, the region’s day, there is a milk bodo and, in the afternoon, a rope bullfight, which closes the festivity of the first bodo.

The following day, Tuesday and until Trinity Sunday, the rosary is recited in the empire, in which anyone who so desires can participate. On Sunday, the procession of the Holy Spirit leaves the empire for the parish church, where a sung mass is celebrated, followed by a coronation.

After this ceremony, the brothers and other people return, in procession, accompanied by the philharmonic, to the empire. Then, the attorney-in-fact is appointed for the next year.

On the same day, in the afternoon, alfenim is distributed throughout the parish, with the aim of raising funds for the empire. At the end of the day, as on the previous Sunday, there is lighting and an initiative of a cultural nature, which brings the party to an end.


See also