Império do Espírito Santo da Vila das Lajes

The Império da Vila das Lajes, is located in the parish of Lajes, municipality of Praia da Vitória, located in Largo da Igreja of the aforementioned parish.

The date of its construction dates back to the year 1916. This empire, founded by thirty-seven locals, holds its feast on Pentecost and Trinity Sundays.

The empire is a structure that has a door on its façade, flanked by two windows. The iron balconies embellish the small space available to visitors.

It only opens its doors, practically, on Pentecost and Trinity Sundays. Anyone who enters this property is faced with the altar and two tables placed on the sides.

On Pentecost and Trinity Sundays, the table on the left side is the responsibility of the Commission of the Empire, while the one on the right side is taken over by the emperor. On these tables there are some delicacies to snack on and drink, such as massa sovada, weight cheese, lupine, drained broad beans, confectionery, alfenim, stuffed eggs, roast meat and scented wine.

This empire is not associated with traditional rope bullfights or other festivities.

The empire has a support building, known as the “pantry”, where barrels and jars of wine, bread, wicker crockery, etc. are kept.

It is in this enclosure that the blessing of bread and wine takes place, which are offered to visitors on Pentecost and Trinity Sundays, as well as at the bodo that takes place on the following Monday.

From Easter Sunday to Trindade Sunday, eight coronations are held in Vila das Lajes and two stewardships are held.


See also