Império do Espírito Santo das Quatro Ribeiras

The Império do Espírito Santo das Quatro Ribeiras, is located in the parish of Quatro Ribeiras, municipality of Praia da Vitória, located in Largo da Igreja of the aforementioned parish

It was founded in the last quarter of the 19th century, in 1883 and rebuilt in 1985 of the last century.

In this parish, as in the rest of the so-called Ramo Grande, on the eight Sundays after Easter, the cult of the Divine Holy Spirit is celebrated, with emphasis on the two Sundays of Bodo – Pentecost and Trindade. This also happens in this parish.

On the Saturday before Pentecost Sunday, the first bodo, a procession leaves with the insignia of the Holy Spirit from the house of the Emperor who has the Holy Spirit that week, towards the parish church, where mass is celebrated and after this liturgical act, people they head in procession to the empire, where the blessing of the meat takes place and its subsequent distribution among the families of the parish.

Once said distribution is complete, the badges return to the home where they left. Also on Saturday, after the delivery of the meat, there is bodo, which means that massa sovada, drained beans, lupins, olives, wine, juices, etc. are made available to the people present. and some auctions are made.

On Sunday, the procession leaves the emperor’s house towards the church where a solemn mass is celebrated, after which the procession goes to the empire for the parish priest to bless the bread and wine that will be distributed to all the people present at the place. . The continuous bodo in the afternoon, with the same “eat and drink” snacks as on the previous Saturday, there are also auctions in the afternoon.

At 7:00 pm, on the first bodo, the day of Pentecost, the portfolios are removed to find out who will receive the Holy Spirit in their home during the year.

On the following Saturday, which precedes the second bodo – Trinity Sunday – everything proceeds as on the previous Saturday and Sunday. However, on the 2nd Sunday at 19:00, the draw for the portfolios for the remaining Sundays is carried out and then the attorneys for the following year are appointed and the wine stewards are also drawn for the 1st and 2nd bodos of the next year.

In this parish, as there is no philharmonic, the processions of the Divine Holy Spirit are accompanied by the singing of the people who integrate them.


See also