Negro Lake

The Lagoa do Negro is situated in the parish of Altares, in the municipality of Angra do Heroísmo, on Terceira Island, in the Azores.

Located in the lava outflow area of the volcano that gave rise to the Serra de Santa Bárbara, it is part of the habitat of the oligomesotrophic waters of the meioeuropean and perialpine region, with aquatic vegetation that includes species such as “Littorela uniflora” and “Isoëtes azorica”.

This lagoon is of small dimensions and its name dates back to the early settlement of the island, lost in history. It is surrounded on one side by a dense forest of Cryptomeria trees and, on the other side, has as backdrop the imposing Serra de Santa Bárbara, with Pico Gaspar by its side.

Below the surface of the lagoon, the Natal cave develops, composed of lava tubes, bearing witness to the ancient eruptions of the Serra de Santa Barbara volcano.

See also