Império do Espírito Santo de São Brás

The Association of the Empire of São Brás, is located in the parish of São Brás, municipality of Praia da Vitória, located in Largo da Igreja in the aforementioned parish.

This empire was founded in the last quarter of the 19th century, namely in 1875 and rebuilt in 1956.

Throughout the “Bramo Grande”, on the eight Sundays following Easter, the cult of the Divine Holy Spirit is celebrated, with emphasis on the two Sundays of Bodo – Pentecost and Trindade.

In São Brás, it is on the two Sundays of Bodo that the portfolios for the following year are drawn.

On these two Sundays, after the Solemn Mass of Coronation, bread and wine are blessed, which are then distributed to all those present.

In the afternoon, in the churchyard, there is the fair, in which the typical bodo cars can be seen, with various snacks, massa sovada and wine that are served to visitors and auctions in favor of the Empire are carried out.

At the Offertory of the Coronation Masses, on eight Sundays, the emperors and stewards present meat, bread, wine, rump and a bowl of soup which, after the Mass, are sold in favor of the Church.


See also